
Your local Perth Graphic Designers

We specialise in creating unique graphic design solutions. From brand identity to web design, we combine creative graphic design, strategic thinking and technical expertise to bring projects to life.

We are the go-to agency for all your graphic design needs, with our Perth Graphic Designers.

Your Perth Graphic Designers

We're your local Perth Graphic Designers, here to bring your brand to life.

Your brand boasts a unique story, one that’s waiting to be unveiled in all its glory.

That’s where we step in, your creative comrades in the quest for visual excellence.

At Scotts, we transform concepts into reality with finespun artistry.

Our studio is at the forefront of design innovation, bridging narratives and aesthetics for a captivating presence across multiple mediums.

We’re here to unleash your Brand’s Potential at our local Perth Graphic Designers.

In the design realm, a brand’s potential is akin to uncharted waters – vast and ripe for exploration.

At Scotts, we’re the seasoned navigators who chart a course for your brand’s journey, ensuring every visual touchpoint resonates with your audience.

We embrace a holistic approach that merges strategy with creativity, ensuring your brand’s identity is not only seen but felt.

Utilising design’s transformative power, we craft visual stories that anchor your brand’s essence, propelling it to the forefront of your industry.

Your brand deserves to make waves. At Scotts, we’re the catalysts turning that potential into palpable impact.

Design Studio Perth

More Than Just Aesthetics - Perth Graphic Designers

First Impressions Matter

Starting with your Logo Design

A logo encapsulates your brand’s ethos—it’s the quintessential visual handshake greeting your audience.

Within milliseconds, a logo can ignite recognition, evoke emotions, and establish company identity.

Our design maestros sculpt logos that mirror your brand’s soul, meshing creativity with strategy to leave a lasting impression.

Artistry meets commerce when we unleash a logo design—your brand’s silent ambassador that speaks volumes even before a word is said.


Bespoke Branding

Bespoke branding is a craft that intertwines your vision with design excellence, creating a brand persona as unique as your fingerprints.

It’s about shaping perceptions, not just aesthetics, sculpting a recognisable and appealing brand identity that stands the test of time.

It’s far more profound than mere visual appeal—it’s your brand’s heartbeat.

Tailored branding weaves your brand’s narrative into every element, ensuring consistency and resonance with your core values.

By focusing on your brand’s essence, we create not just a look, but a brand’s soul.

From the texture of your business card to the user interface of your website, every detail is considered.

Bespoke branding is the symphony of design elements coming together in perfect harmony, much like an orchestra creating an unforgettable melody.

This bespoke journey transforms your brand into a living entity, fostering a deep connection with your audience.

Everything from typography to colour schemes is meticulously curated, ensuring they narrate your brand’s story with precision and flair.

After all, your brand is more than just a visual feast—it’s an experience.

A bespoke identity means creating an ecosystem where every touchpoint is an opportunity to deepen customer engagement and loyalty.

Scotts Perth Graphic Designers

Our Perth Design Studio is more than just looking good.

Campaign Crafting at our Perth Graphic Design Studio

Multidimensional Marketing Solutions

Embracing complexity, we craft campaigns that resonate across diverse media landscapes.

Our solutions are not just multidimensional in approach, but they create an impact that vibrates with authenticity.

Bringing together a tapestry of creative talent, our collective expertise transcends traditional marketing boundaries.

Whether it’s a print advert, a dynamic website, or an immersive brand environment, our designs speak the language of innovation and engagement.

Our aim is to weave “strategy with artistry,” creating a seamless narrative that embodies your marketing objectives with creative excellence.

Our Perth Graphic Designers, create a symphony of ideas that crescendos into remarkable stories, where design meets substance.

Beyond the palette and pixels, we stitch together visuals, text, and sentiment—rolling out a narrative that captures the ethos and essence of your brand.

It’s about creating an engaging journey for your audience, one that resonates both visually and emotionally.

Our multidisciplinary team harmonises your brand’s voice across all mediums, crafting narratives that not only look superb but also speak volumes.

It’s the art of blending design with strategy, ensuring that every touchpoint is an authentic expression of your brand’s unique narrative.

Keeping you Consistent

The best of your brand no matter where your client engages

Print Power: Tangible Impact with Scotts, your Perth Graphic Designers

Print holds a unique place in the sensory landscape, where tactile qualities merge with visual design to create a memorable impression.

It’s an art form that seduces the senses.

Physical media carries a weight that digital can’t replicate. It’s personal, substantial, and lasting.

From the textured paper that begs to be touched, to the scent of fresh ink—these elements play a crucial role in conveying a brand’s essence.

In a world dominated by digital, print stands out as a beacon of authenticity and substance.

Our design studio harnesses the power of print to tell your story through engaging materials.

Whether it’s the texture of the stock, the cut of the die, or the gloss of the varnish, every aspect of the printed piece contributes to a narrative that’s tangible.

There’s magic in the medium, a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ that elevates your message beyond the digital realm.

Digital Dynamism: Engaging Online Presence

Create a digital space where your brand not only lives but thrives through interactive and immersive experiences.

  • Responsive Web Design ensuring seamless user experience across all devices.
  • SEO-Optimised Content to elevate your brand’s search engine ranking.
  • Compelling Visuals that grab attention and communicate your brand narrative.
  • Social Media Strategies tailored to engage and grow your audience.
  • Email Marketing Campaigns for direct and personal interaction with clients.

With expert content creation and smart analytics, your online impact will be amplified.

Our Perth Graphic Designers strategic approach weaves your brand’s story into the fabric of the digital sphere for connection, engagement, and growth.

Beyond Visuals

Enviable Environmental Graphics

When the canvas stretches beyond the edge of a screen, the art of environmental graphics takes centre stage.

Scotts specialises in transforming spaces into immersive brand experiences, where every wall, floor, and fixture tells a part of your story.

Our environmental graphics are not just visually striking; they create a physical realm where your brand can truly flourish.

In the hands of our creative maestros, ordinary spaces metamorphose into extraordinary brandscapes.

Picture walking into a room, only to be embraced by a visual symphony that reflects your brand’s ethos.

We shape connections between space and narrative, guiding visitors on a journey that captivates their senses and solidifies the identity and values of your brand.

It’s the perfect blend of aesthetics and function, making every interaction within the space a memorable chapter of the brand saga.

Beyond Visuals

Engaging Online Presence

A visually appealing website design that not only looks professional but also reflects the brand’s identity and values is imperative in today’s market.

A well-designed website can make a significant impact on how a business is perceived online, leading to increased credibility and trust among potential customers.

By enhancing the user experience with easy navigation, clear messaging, and engaging visuals, we help increase user engagement on your website.

Create a digital space where your brand not only lives but thrives through interactive and immersive experiences.

  • Responsive Web Design ensuring seamless user experience across all devices.
  • SEO-Optimised Content to elevate your brand’s search engine ranking.
  • Compelling Visuals that grab attention and communicate your brand narrative.
  • Social Media Strategies tailored to engage and grow your audience.
  • Email Marketing Campaigns for direct and personal interaction with clients.

With expert content creation and smart analytics, your online impact will be amplified.

Your Perth Graphic Designers strategic approach weaves your brand’s story into the fabric of the digital sphere for connection, engagement, and growth.

Beyond Visuals

Comprehensive Storytelling with our Perth Graphic Designers

Our Perth Graphic Designers create a symphony of ideas that crescendos into remarkable stories, where design meets substance.

Beyond the palette and pixels, we stitch together visuals, text, and sentiment—rolling out a narrative that captures the ethos and essence of your brand.

It’s about creating an engaging journey for your audience, one that resonates both visually and emotionally.

Our multidisciplinary team harmonises your brand’s voice across all mediums, crafting narratives that not only look superb but also speak volumes.

It’s the art of blending design with strategy, ensuring that every touchpoint is an authentic expression of your brand’s unique narrative.

Copy That Connects: Words That Work by your local Perth Graphic Designers

Crafting text that resonates requires a true understanding of your brand’s tone, values, and audience.

It’s about finding the sweet spot that engages and persuades.

Your message matters—and so does how it’s delivered. We ensure it lands with impact.

Our copywriting doesn’t just ‘fill space’.

It’s strategic, designed to elicit emotions, encourage actions and build a bridge from your brand to the hearts and minds of your audience.

Creating copy that acts as a catalyst for connection is our forte.

In the realm of effective communication, words are the linchpins. They have the power to inspire, inform, and persuade.

When well-crafted, they become the invisible threads that connect your brand’s voice to the audience’s soul.

They can make each interaction not just an exchange of information, but a meaningful moment.

At Scotts, our mission is to harness the potency of words to carve out a space in the psyche and the marketplace for your brand.

We’re your local Perth Graphic Designers, here to bring your brand to life.

Frequently asked questions

Can Scotts design a logo and brand for me?

Absolutely, the team are experts at Branding and able to help from the inception of your company and logo design through to creation of Style Guide and beyond. Whether you are starting a new business or looking to revamp your existing brand, Scotts are here to assist you every step of the way. Our team of skilled designers are well-versed in the art of creating captivating logos that truly represent your company’s identity.

From the moment you reach out to us, we will take the time to understand your vision, values, and target audience. This allows us to craft a logo that not only looks visually appealing but also resonates with your customers on a deeper level.

Once we have a clear understanding of your brand, our experts will begin the logo design process. We will present you with a range of concepts, each carefully crafted to reflect your unique personality and industry. Our goal is to create a logo that stands out from the competition and leaves a lasting impression on your customers.

But our services don’t stop at logo design. We believe in providing a comprehensive branding experience for our clients. That’s why we offer the creation of a Style Guide, which serves as a roadmap for consistent branding across all platforms. This guide includes guidelines for logo usage, colour palettes, typography, and more, ensuring that your brand maintains a cohesive and professional image.

Furthermore, our team is always available to provide ongoing support and guidance as your brand evolves. We understand that businesses grow and change over time, and we are here to adapt your brand accordingly. Whether you need assistance with rebranding or simply want to make minor adjustments, we are just a phone call away.

At Scotts, we take pride in our ability to create visually stunning and impactful logos and brands. Our expertise in branding combined with our dedication to customer satisfaction sets us apart from the rest. So, if you’re ready to take your brand to the next level, reach out to us today and let us bring your vision to life.

Can Scotts work in with a Style Guide?

Of course, we can create your brand or work in with your Style Guide to ensure consistency across your collateral. Graphic Design Perth is central to what we do, so our team are here to help whether you need a new brand or already have an established one.Our team at Scotts understands the importance of maintaining a consistent brand image. Whether you are starting from scratch or already have an established brand, we are here to assist you. Our expertise in Graphic Design Perth allows us to seamlessly integrate your brand into any project.

If you have a Style Guide in place, we can work closely with it to ensure that all your collateral aligns with your brand’s guidelines. Our designers are well-versed in adapting to different styles and can create visually appealing designs that stay true to your brand identity.

On the other hand, if you don’t have a Style Guide yet, don’t worry! Our talented team can help you develop one that reflects your brand’s personality and values. We understand that every brand is unique, and we take the time to understand your vision and goals before crafting a Style Guide that perfectly captures your essence.

By working with Scotts, you can be confident that your brand will be represented consistently across all your marketing materials. Whether it’s designing brochures, business cards, or digital assets, our attention to detail ensures that every element aligns with your brand’s aesthetics.

We believe that a strong brand presence is crucial for success in today’s competitive market. That’s why we go above and beyond to deliver exceptional graphic design services that elevate your brand’s image. Our team is dedicated to providing you with creative solutions that not only meet but exceed your expectations.

So, whether you need a complete brand overhaul or just some design assistance, Scotts is your go-to partner in Graphic Design Perth. Let us help you create a cohesive and visually stunning brand that leaves a lasting impression on your target audience. Contact us today to discuss your design needs and take your brand to new heights.

Can you help me brief in a project?

We’re used to clients that have no experience through to experts. Feel free to reach out and we can help you ascertain what you need us to design and finetune the brief to make sure we can cost-effectively design your project to meet its objectives.

Do I need to supply photos and copy?

You’re more than welcome to supply the content you have, or we can work with you to do a shoot and provide copywriting for your project.

Do I need a brand strategy?

If you want to create a good brand, you need a brand strategy behind it to define who you are and what your goals are.